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Why Organic?

Reasons to Choose Organic: Video
Reasons to Choose Organic: Pro Gallery

The Dirt on Soil Health

Organically grown food is typically more conscientious about soil health. Organic farming works harmoniously with nature instead of artificially modifying it to produce more yield for profit. Not using practices such as synthetic fertilizer, pesticides, and GMOs promotes a balanced ecosystem that improves the overall quality of soil. The health of soil is determined by its nutrient content, presence of microorganisms, water retention, carbon sequestration. The composition of organic matter can naturally fight off pests and disease. Building this type of soil resistance can prevent erosion/run-off, threats from drought, and provide more supplements to the plants. Paying more attention to this treatment can help us be more mindful of topsoil longevity. If we continue to manipulate it the way we do now, we will be left with less than 60 years of its ability to sustain us.


The majority of food meets its inevitable expiration at one point or another. Preservatives are meant to slow or prevent that spoilage process, especially if they need a longer shelf life. The two components that make food go bad include microbes and oxidation. Preservatives have antimicrobials that block the growth of bacteria and fungi while slowing oxidation that changes the micro-composition of the food. Preservation can be done physically (refrigeration) or chemically (brining). Synthetic preservatives such as benzoic acid can promote hyperactivity and ADHD. Nitrates and nitrites can cause cancer, popularly found in cured meats.

Reasons to Choose Organic: CV
Reasons to Choose Organic: Pro Gallery

Pesty Pesticides

It is no secret that the agricultural industry relies heavily on pesticides. They are used to fight against pests and weeds. Although it potentially provides more yield with less labor, the tolerance for pesticides are increasing as is its application. Superweeds reappear on the land stronger as they adapt to the escalating use. This pattern results in higher demand for pesticides to keep up with the evolution. Issues also arise when pesticides disturb the environment and threaten human health. In the U.S, 1.1 billion pounds of pesticides are consumed. The chemical companies earn an insane profit and force farmers under these practices in order to compete with large corporations. When pesticides travel as runoff, ecosystems are harmed as it decreases biodiversity by killing off insects, birds, and amphibians. Endangering natural pollinators is an indicator of failing ecosystems. Also, farmworkers that are directly affected first-hand with these pesticides are at the most health risk. Poisoning incidences are associated with neurological disorders, fertility problems, and cancers.

Synthetic Fertilizer and Nitrogen Runoff

As of 2014, research shows that the use of synthetic fertilizer increased from 11 million tons to 108 million tons since the 1960s. This has resulted in various human health and environmental problems. Nitrogen is the element that converts into forms that cause harm. As a threat to the human population, nitrogen within the fertilizers emits ammonia, nitrogen oxide, and nitrous oxides that pollute the atmosphere. They can act as greenhouse gases, 300 times more heat-trapping than carbon dioxide. They contribute to higher rates of acid rain which leads to respiratory issues, cancer, and infrastructural and forest damage. As nitrogen runs off into bodies of water, it contaminates drinking sources and dead zones. Nitrogen is essential for plants to thrive, but that's not always a good thing. When we experience an overgrowth of algae from nitrogen runoff, ecosystems are destabilized. The algae become so concentrated that sunlight can not penetrate for below water plants and animals to utilize. The reliance for farmers to use nitrogen is so they can meet the demands of the market. Crops need to feed not only humans but be created into feed for domesticated animals. It is definitely a huge issue at large that needs more attention and mitigation for the sake of biodiversity and human well-being.

Reasons to Choose Organic: CV
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Reasons to Choose Organic: Image

Livestock Livelihood

The meaning of organic does not only apply to plants but to animals as well. People do not commonly associate that animals can be raised organically. Mainly, because they do not understand what that means entirely and how it is possible. In order to be considered organic, the use of antibiotics and growth hormones is prohibited. The livestock must consume only 100% organic feed and graze on organically certified land. Lastly, they must have access to the outdoors year-round. In relation to your health, one can consider the high nutritional quality that results from pastures with more omega-3 and fatty acids in the eggs and dairy we purchase. However, the environmental and ethical impacts are vital to understanding the true importance of organic animal management. Factory farming contributes immensely to climate change. Rates of deforestation are staggering to meet the demands for feedlots and feed producing farmland. Mass reproduction and slaughter are made possible when these animals are force-fed grain, pumped with antibiotics and hormones. The unnatural pace of maturity controlled by these additives should not be thought of as normal. Adapting more care towards livestock will not only help the health of the land and encourage biodiversity but advocate humane agricultural processes.

Reasons to Choose Organic: Text
Reasons to Choose Organic: Text
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